Showing 1–12 of 20 results
Data Speed: DC to 1, 5, 10, 50 MBd – Pin compatible and interoperable with Versatile Link
Data Speed: DC to 50MBd, 10 MBit/s, Fast Ethernet, 250 MBit/s, 1.25 GBit/s
Data Speed: DC to 50MBd, 10 MBit/s, Fast Ethernet and 250 MBit/s
Analog Receivers in RedLink and OptoLock Package.
5 samples of RedLink DC-50MBd Transmitter 650nm, Dual Voltage, Horizontal, Non-Inverting
5 samples of RedLink DC-50MBd Transmitter 650nm, Dual Voltage, Vertical, Non-Inverting
5 samples of RedLink DC-50MBd Receiver, Dual Voltage, Vertical, Non-Inverting
5 samples of RedLink 10 MBd Low Current 650nm Transmitter, Horizontal
5 samples of RedLink 10 MBd Low Current 650nm Transmitter, Vertical
5 samples of RedLink 5 MBd Transmitter 650nm, Horizontal
5 samples of RedLink 5 MBd dual voltage Receiver with open collector Output, Horizontal
5 samples of RedLink Analog Photo Diode, Horizontal