ARF1203Q2 | LNA/Driver 37~40 GHz

Altum RF ARF1203Q2

LNA/Driver 37~40 GHz


ARF1203Q2 is a 37—40 GHz low noise amplifier / driver amplifier designed for high data-rate applications. With 20.5 dB of linear gain, 4 dB noise figure, and low-current operation, it is well suited to demanding, high-order modulation schemes such as millimeter-wave 5G. The circuit draws 40 mA from a 3.3 V DC supply. The part is internally matched to 50 Ω with ESD protection. RF ports are DC grounded. A VBIAS pin can be connected to the 3.3 V supply, or connected to ground to power down the device.

The part is RoHS* compliant and built with the latest manufacturing techniques for reliability and quality control.

Technical Data


Frequency (GHz) Gain (dB) NF (dB) P1db (dBm) Power Supply

(+V) | (mA)

37 – 40 20.5 4 13 3.3 | 40


2.5×2.5 mm




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ARF1203Q2 | LNA/Driver 37~40 GHz

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Christian Moser

Application Engineer

+49(0)5424 2340-29

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