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3-ph. Motor Control MCU+ME, sensorless FOC (32k/1,75k)

The high-performance motor drive chip incorporates MotionEngine ME core and 8051 core with 32K FLASH and 1k75 RAM.

ME core integrates FOC, MDU, LPF, PID and SVPWM modules that allow for automatic calculation of FOC or square-wave control by the hardware for sensored/sensorless BLDC/PMSM motors. 8051 core is used for parameter configuration and routine processing. Most of 8051 core instruction cycle takes 1T or 2T clock cycle(s).

The dual cores work in parallel to achieve high-performance motor control. The chip integrates high-speed operational amplifiers, comparators, high-speed ADC, multiplier/divider, CRC, Serial Interfaces, Timers, PWM module and high-voltage LDO, which are suitable for FOC or square-wave based BLDC/PMSM motors.

Technical Data

P/N: FU6813 L FU6813 N FU6813 P
Package LQFP48 7×7 mm QFN32 4×4 mm LQFP52 10×10 mm
Motion Engine ME x x x
FOC Hardware x x x
SVPWM Hardware x x x
BLDC Hardware x x x
Single Phase
PI/PID 4 4 4
LPF 4 4 4
MDU 4 4 4
Sin/Cos/Atan 4 4 4
PFC Hardware x x x
MCU core 8051 8051 8051
MIPS [MHz] 24 24 24
Flash [kB] 32 32 32
RAM [kB] 1,75 1,75 1,75
GPIO 34 20 35
I²C 1 1 1
UART 2 2 2
SPI 1 1 1
DMA 2 2 2
Timer 6 6 6
WDT 1 1 1
Driver Voltage, max. [V]
Drive Current, max. + [A] 0,05 0,05 0,05
Drive Current, max. – [A] 0,1 0,1 0,1
Sensor/Sensorless Square Wave x x x
Sensor SVPWM x x x
Sensor FOC x x x
Sensorless FOC x x x x
ADC 1 1 1
ADC channels 14 9 14
ADC resolution [bit] 12 12 12
DAC 3 3 3
DAC resolution [bit] 9/8/6 9/8/6 9/8/6
OP 4 2 4
Comparator 4 4 4
Temp. Range (3-5,5V) -40…125°C -40…125°C -40…125°C
Temp. Range (5-12V) -40…105°C -40…105°C -40…105°C
Temp. Range (5-24V) -40…85°C -40…85°C -40…85°C



FU6813 Datasheet (PDF)

Family overview

P/N: FU6812 FU6813 FU6815 FU6816
Package LPQFP48 7*7
QFN32 4×4 mm
LPQFP48 7*7
QFN32 4×4 mm
LPQFP52 10x10mm
LPQFP48 7*7
LPQFP48 7*7
Motion Engine ME x x x x
FOC Hardware x x x x
SVPWM Hardware x x x x
BLDC Hardware x x x x
Single Phase
PI/PID 4 3 4 4
LPF 4 1 4 4
MDU 4 1 4 4
Sin/Cos/Atan 4 1 4 4
PFC Hardware x x
MCU core 8051 8051 8051 8051
MIPS [MHz] 24 24 24 24
Flash [kB] 16 32 32 32
RAM [kB] 1 1,75 4 4
GPIO 34/20/12/13 34/20/35 38/19 38
I²C 1/- 1 1 1
UART 1 2 1/2 2
SPI 1/- 1 1/- 1
DMA 2 2 2 2
Timer 6 6 6 6
WDT 1 1 1 1
Driver Voltage, max. [V]
Drive Current, max. + [A] 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05
Drive Current, max. – [A] 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
Sensor/Sensorless Square Wave x x x x
Sensor SVPWM x x x x
Sensor FOC x x x x
Sensorless FOC x x x x
ADC 1 1 1 1
ADC channels 6/7/12 9/14 12/14 16
ADC resolution [bit] 12 12 12 12
DAC 1 3 3 2
DAC resolution [bit] 8/9 9/8/6 9/8/6 9/6
OP 1/3 ( 2/4 4 4
Comparator 2/3 4 4 3
Temp. Range (3-5,5V) -40…125°C
Temp. Range (5-12V) -40…105°C -40…105°C
Temp. Range (5-24V) -40…85°C -40…85°C -40…85°C -40…85°C

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